The Presidents Council provides a forum for buyers and sellers to build relationships and exchange information through various programs at the senior management and merchant level, worldwide. We are an organization devoted to the development of the Home Improvement/Home Building Industries. The Council is the Industry’s only organization comprised of retailers, builders, distributors and manufacturers. Our group is guided and directed by an Advisory Board comprised of the senior-level executives of the industry’s retail, builder and distributor giants and a select group of sponsoring manufacturers.
Buying Days
Presidents Council promotes, manages and conducts Buying Days, an event format that organizes face-to-face meetings between retailers, distributors and suppliers for 20 minute introductions. Find out more about our upcoming Buying Days
View Buying Days →
Presidents Council Programs
Find more of our upcoming Buying Days here.

Virtual Buying Days
Zoom Appointment Dates Ongoing – Very Flexible!
Become a Council Member! and benefit from:
10% Buying Day Discount and invitations to “Special Buy” events
Buying Day Preparation Webinars
Meeting Evaluations
Click HERE to learn more.
Frequently Asked Buying Day Questions
What retailers participate in your Buying Days?
You will find a partial list of participating Buying Day Retailers & Distributors of the past 2 years here
I want to get my product into the European DIY market – can you help?
We have strong, long-standing relationships with all the major DIY chain retailers in Europe and have been helping suppliers pioneer that market since 1988.
How can I receive updates on upcoming events?
We invite you to sign up to our mailing list. You will then receive our Buying Days campaigns and monthly newsletters containing all the information on our upcoming events.
Why do you charge money for a Buying Day meeting?
The retailers for which we manage a Buying Day do not get any money. The fee goes to the Presidents Council, and there are a few reasons for the fee:
- These events require a lot of work and we have to make a living. The fee helps pay for event administration, organization, travel expenses, etc.
- The fee is a “qualifier” to ensure that you are serious, interested and prepared to meet these leading chain retailers. In the past, any time these meetings were offered “free of charge,” we found that almost 1/3 of the suppliers who scheduled meetings became “no-shows,” thus leaving the buyers with huge gaps in their appointment schedules.
- It is for suppliers who have existing programs. The fee weeds out the “basement and garage inventors” and “tire kickers” who might not have manufacturing, program, product inventory, etc., and has resulted in quality events where retailers find new vendors! The participating retailer puts all of their buyers in one room for one day, and asks us to fill their appointment schedules with new potential suppliers who are ready to do business.
Find more FAQ’s here
We get you connected.
years of providing the Buying Days sourcing venue.
Access to DIY retail decision makers on 6 continents
% Satisfaction

Why Choose Us?
We have over 30 years experience providing a forum for buyers and sellers to build relationships.
Our young, enthusiastic team is always here to help.
We are proud of our strong, long-standing, senior-level relationships with nearly every major DIY chain retailer in North America, Europe and other key markets.
Here’s what just some of our clients have said
“The Presidents Council format has worked consistently well for our company, and we’ve enjoyed a high success rate in securing listings. For larger national accounts, the opportunity to present a product directly to the appropriate buyer is highly efficient when compared with the hit-or-miss nature of trade shows.”
Vaughan Wiles – Bison
Say hello!
Do you have more questions? Just send us an email and we will be in touch shortly.